Yesterday was a short day at school. After I finished classes, I went to the library to do some homework. I ended up hanging out with Patty for a while. We then walked to the cafeteria and she bought large curly fries. There was A LOT to eat! Lol.  We just walked around campus till it was 12 and then it was time for me to leave.
     When I got home, I was super tired so I decided to nap. I ended up napping for 2 hours. When I woke up, I went out and bought some things for the cake. then I came home and worked on it some more. After long hours of working on the cake, i got all 3 tiers baked and filled. The top tier was the only tier with fondant covering because I ran out of cream cheese frosting... Darn. Anyways, it was super late, like around 11:30 PM, then Darren called me telling me that they were here, so Alan, Kenny and Darren just chilled at my house till 12:30 AM. They're so random. We were playing with Clover, then they put Clover in the dog pen thingy and put a blanket over it. Man too much random stuff to list. Anyways, after they left I went right to sleep.
     I woke up at 8:30 AM today. I immediately started working on the cake. I also longboarded to Safeway. OMG, right when I got to Safeway, I hella slipped and fell off of my board! FML. Hecka embarassing, and Tyler Dec was there too! LMAO. Anyways, I bought 2 cans of cream cheese frosting, sorry but it was cheaper than to buy cream cheese and butter. Anyways, I longboarded back home and kept working on the cake. I'm finally finished with it! Halfway through the process, I wanted to give up, it didn't really look that good... I just kept working on it though because it'd be a big ass waste if I just threw it away. Now that I'm done, it doesn't look that bad. I just need to work more on shaping the cake and cutting it straight. Also, I need to remember to use different size pans. I know I used 3 different ones, but it kinda looks like a blob, there's no distinct differences between the tiers. More PANS! Lol. Anyways, it's almost time for the party, gotta get ready. BYE!
     Yesterday was one of the longest day every. Short recap because I'm really tired.
    School, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM. I waited at school till 4:30 PM because that's when Darren gets out of class. He doesn't start till 2:30 PM by the way. From 10:20 - 11:00, I hung out with Patty then I went back to the library where Darren was at. We went to Panda for lunch. NO DARREN NOT ALL GUYS WERE CHECKING ME OUT. Bleh... Donald met up with us at Panda. We then walked to the park and chilled there. Ducks scare me. Alex and Vince met up with us and left at 1:30 PM for class. We left the park around 2 PM and went to the library to find a spot. Darren went to class so it was just Donald and I. I did some homework and used the Mac. There really isn't much to do... 3:30, Alex and Vince met up with us and at 4:30, we finally left. I got so bored that I started playing chess on the Mac. I keep losing...
     Embarrassing moment! After French, I was heading off to Trig so I got on my longboard. I didn't have much balance so I kinda fell off. Then I just got back on and I hear my name being called. When I look it was a guy that went to my school and he was hanging out with Gerald and his gang of friends. So embarrassing. I can't remember his name right now but we had physics class today.
    After I got home, I went out and bought stuff at Nob Hill, then I started baking. After my first red velvet cake, Alan and Darren showed up and helped me make 2 more red velvets. We had extra ingredients so I decided to let them make their own cupcakes. We didn't have red food coloring anymore so they used black. LOL. It's funny, they were winging their recipe. In the end, the cup cakes look funny, but it tasted so delicious! Yum! Lol. After that, we longbored for a little and they all left after 12 AM. I definatley hit the hay after. SLEEP.
     Alright, I'm done blogging about yesterday. I'm gonna take an hour nap, and finish the cake. Yum!
     I finished with classes already. Right now it's 11:34 AM and Darren left to take a phone call. UGH so bored... there's nothing for me to do so I'm just sitting here listening to music. I want to watch more of How I Met Your Mother. Lol. I'm such a weirdo. I didn't know that NEIL PATRICK HARRIS was GAY! LOL. It's only funny because he's a womanizer in all the parts he plays. Man! So convincing! LOL
     Today, Darren and I carpooled to school. Darren picked me up and we got to De Anza by 8 AM. So... Early. We just chilled in the library till it was time for me to go to class.
     After class, I had extra time so I went to the library to get my trig book, then I headed to class. After class, I went back into the library, I figured that Darren would've been already in class so I started on my homework. Then Darren met up with me at the library, he didn't get into class, unfortunately. We went upstairs, to the quiet parts of the library and I watched How I Met Your Mother. Omg, seriously hilarious! I was laughing to myself. Somehow, Alex and Vince found us... Random? Anyways, Patty called me later and her and I went out to Baskin Robbins for ice cream and she got fries and a Mc Chicken from McDonalds. Around 12:30 PM, she took me back to school and dropped me off.
     I then met up with the guys and we went back to our "spot" in the library. OMG, when I was there, I saw ADAM! LOLOL. He's the guy from my orientation class. I seriously think he thinks I'm weird. I'm sorry I'm so awkward. So yea, the guys went to class so I was sitting alone laughing as I was watching HIMYM. Adam was sitting a few tables away from me with people at his table. LOL. I think he noticed me, how can you not notice me? I'm wearing vibrant yellow! LOL. Anyways, After a few episodes, I decide to then do my homework. I thought it was smart to do trig and listen to music at the same time. Terrible idea. I can't multitask for my life... I attempted to do homework. Around 3:25, I decided to leave. I didn't know where to go so I somehow wandered my way to the car. I chilled there for a little until Donald and Darren came.
     After we got back to Milpitas, we got to drive by the band. We all, of course, yelled PENIS! Lol. After we dropped off Donald, we went to Frank's house so I could pick up my longboard. Then we went to school and chilled till band was over.
     Long. Day. I'm tired. I'm debating whether I should go to black belt tryouts or not.
     THANK YOU AXELL for calling and waking me up. If you didn't call me I would have surely overslept. I hate being immuned to alarms and stuff now...
     Even though I love my french teacher, French is a nightmare! It's seriously too easy for me! LOL. I would switch out, but French 2 conflicts with my Trig class so I'll just stay. It never hurts to review...
     I got into Trig! Just barely too! Thank you Joey Tran for not showing up. LOL. My teacher said she'd probably let everyone stay in that class so I would have gotten it anyways. So far, trig is easy but knock on wood because it'll probably get harder. I'm already ahead on homework. Yesh! I'm probably gonna do a lot of my homework tomorrow. Especially since Darren and I will be carpooling. Meaning, I leave school around 4 PM. So much downtime for me... Yay for libraries! Lol.
     School was ok today. After class, I met up with Kush, Tiffany and Darren. Tiffany went with me to buy books. We saw Ryan and chatted with him. Then we met up back with the guys. We had a whole Milpitas group around us. LOL. Patrick Trias, BJ, and a bunch of other people came to say Hi and stuff. Then Alex and Vince met up with us. Eventually, people came and went. When it was 1:30 PM, Darren and I left to Pizza My Heart. I didn't eat anything, but like the fatass he is, Darren ordered a pizza. LOL. After, I went to get gas and then I dropped off Darren at school and went home. I think I have a thing for guys who ride motorcycles. Yum.
     When I went home, I did my trig hw then I watched an episode of Full House. I don't remember where I stopped at, but I'm on the second disc right now. Then I took an hour nap, woke up and did tomorrow's trig homework. What to do...
     Like what my twitter says; Everytime I find myself upset, bored, mad, whatever, I want to talk to you. I don't know why, but you always seem to make my day better no matter what we're talking about. I just want to thank you for being my friend, despite the shit that we used to go through between each other. I hope that we have finally settled our differences because whenever we do "hate" each other, I can never seem to let go of my friendship with you. If it was anyone else, yes of course, but for you, my friendship with you is worth all the fight in the world. I don't know why that is, but that is that.
     Haha, you know it Wilson! LOL. First day of school. DUN DUN DUN.... I woke up at 6:30 AM. I'm so thankful my alarm went off twice because I would have definately over slept and that would be the end for me...
     Traffic was TERRIBLE this morning. Good thing I left more than an hour early. I was so tired this morning though, I didn't even sing in the car! That's how tired I was. LOL. Anyways, when I got to school, parking wasn't that bad. I parked at a good distance and I walked to school. I quickly found my first class, French. But I couldn't find my second class, Trigonometry. I eventually gave up and sat at a bench not too far from French class. I then texted Darren, who ended up calling me back. He, unfortunatley, didn't get into his class because his teacher is a PRICK. He, instead, helped me find my Trig class. Then it was time for French and I left as he wandered aimlessly around school.
     My french teacher is awesome. I'd be mad if I didn't get an A in this class. This is basically french one all over again.
     Trig is alright. I'm still on waitlist so I really hope I make it in the class. I forgot to stay after to get my add code so I'm kinda screwed right now. I really hope my teacher lets me in or else I'd have only 1 class... Ughh...
     After, I went to the library, met up with Vince, Alex and Darren. Then Sherwin and Janella joined us. Then Kevin. And then Clare. LOL. PARTAY! We eventually left because I was craving a chocolate muffin. We all went to the cafe, minus Sherwin and Clare, and I bought myself a muffin. Then Kevin left. We then went to the book store where Alex and Darren went in. Vince, Janella and I just waited outside....blah blah... We went to Quicklys, chilled, went back on campus, chilled. We saw a lot of people! Like Marvin, Camacho, Kavin, etc. OH! And ARMONDO! LMAO. Yea that's right ladies! Armondo goes to De Anza! Hehe... I think he's ok honestly though. Anyways. At 1:30, It was time for Darren, Alex and Vince to go to class, so I headed off too.
     As I was entering the freeway, I decided to try and look for PCI. It's a really short drive from De Anza to PCI. I think I'll do fine. I then went to Wal Mart and bought contacts and fabric. Then I went home. Now I need to buy more school supplies at Staples later. Bleh, I have hw. Pray for me to get into TRIG!
     Oh, one last thing. To Allyson: You're probably reading this right now. I just want you to know that I love and care for you. If you ever need anything I'm here by your side. The reason why I started a completely new blog space was because my old wordpress was filled with stupid middle school / high school drama. That was my past, and this is my present. I don't believe in deleting your blogs or throwing away your old journals because that is what makes you who you are. I like reading back on them and getting a good laugh, or possibly even a cry. I learn from my past, no matter how stupid I was or how fucked up it is. There is nothing wrong with starting a new beginning, so go for it. I love you! Don't ever forget that. I can't wait for the weekends!
     I spent this whole morning cleaning. All I did was clean... and watch Heroes. I started cleaning up my "project" downstairs. Then I got hungry and grabbed some cereal to eat. We ran out of milk but good thing I still had some soymilk. Yum! Healthy breakfast! Afterwards, I went to my brother's room to clean. I was making progress until my mom's best friend came. She cleaned like a monster! I had to stop Heroes for a little bit. Oh wells, now my brother's room is squeaky clean. Then I started cleaning the hallway and my sister's bathroom. It's so much cleaner now. I was going to start on my room but I got really tired and lazy so I started watching Heroes. OMG So good!
     When it was around 3, I went to pick up Darren. Wilson couldn't go with us. Tear. Right when I was walking out, Frank was at the door with his friend because he wanted to borrow my longboard. DANG! He has it with him right now! Bleh. I'll pick it up later. Anyways, Darren and I picked up Kenny at SJSU then we drove to Falafel's Drive-In. Yum! Lol. We stayed there for less than half and hour, then we went to drop off Kenny so he could pack. Darren and I chilled in the parking lot and waited for Kenny.
     Afterwards, I drove to Darren's house and dropped off the guys. I went home and watched some more Heroes. Now I'm here, I picked up my mom, got my eye brows waxed and now I'm here. I want to go Rockband at Darren's but I don't know if my parents will let me. I haven't asked yet...




allman photo
     It's 12:06 right now. I came home about an hour ago from visiting Kenny. It was a nice visit. We talked to one of his floormates. She was kinda like "Wtf" at us though, but she's social and friendly. Lol. After Kenny's Darren showed us his dad's "new" car. It's hella nice and spacious! I just don't like leather though. GROSS. But other than that, hecka nice car!
     My plans for tomorrow? Clean the house like there's no tomorrow. Falafel's Drive in with Darren, Kenny and Wilson around 2. Yay! We're finally going to go! I need to write a list of all the stuff I want to do so when Wilson gets back fom SLO, we can accomplish that list instead of sitting home and not knowing what to do...
     I didn't do much today. I worked on my "project" and finished! Yeah yeah! Lol. Right after I finished, which was around 4, I started to watch Heroes, but then Darren texted me telling me to go to Gill with him and Wilson. I kinda forgot and continued watching Heroes until Darren and Wilson actually came to my house! My mom had to call me to tell me and my sister barged in my room to hurry me up. LOL. Friken guys... Anyways, I got ready and when I was about to leave, I found out that Clover found a way out! So we all went looking for him, which only took about 10 seconds. I called his name, he ran back, saw Darren and Wilson, who cornered him and he ran straight back to the backyard. LOL. Silly dog.
      After that, Wilson drove us by the marching band and we hecka yelled PENIS! Out the window. It was hilarious. Then, Wilson took us back to his place where he got Kodi and brought him to MHS. We chilled there, saw Frank and waited for the band to finish. We just chilled afterwards. It was nice.
     I'm super tired right now though. I think I'm gonna visit Kenny today, I'm not really sure...
     Today, I bought my books for school. $190 down the drain... Oh baby. Kevin and I went to In and Out afterwards and he bought me Animal Fries. Yum! Then we walked to Starbucks and he bought me a Grande Sweetened Green Tea. YUM! Then we walked over to Ross and checked out sunglasses. Then we walked to Borders and I bought Grey's Anatomy Season 5! OH BOY! MC DREAMILICIOUS! Hehe...
     After that, I drove Kevin home, went home, changed, and longboarded to Darren's house. Wilson and Darren were playing Grand Theft Auto (GTA). NERDS... Darren went grocery shopping with Ami after so it was just Wilson and I. We ended up playing hella rounds of Nazi Zombies. Level 7 is our highest so far. 
      After, I had to go to work, so I longboarded there and taught with Patrick. After 2 classes, OJ and Allan Dale showed up so I got to leave. I just ended up longboarding all the way home. Now I'm waiting for Darren to call me to see if we're hanging out or anything. Yuup...

I'm excited for SNOW season!