Most definitely, no doubt about it. You better be happy because I'm turning down a Niner's game for you.
     Man! I've done so much in 2 days. It's pretty crazy! Lol. Ok. quick recap on today and yesterday.
     Yesterday at PCI, we made flower bread. Nothing really special. Oh, I went to Jeff's house before and we chilled for a bit. Then I drove to PCI. After school, I drove him home and I went to Mountain Mikes for Pizza night. I ordered 2 Mountains; Club Chicken and The Everest. Then I went home, dropped off food, went to karate, dropped off food, then went back to Mountain mikes and met up with the usual 4. Then we got seated and David, Joanne, Elizabeth, Alex and Jocelyn joined us. It was pretty fun. We chilled there for the longest time, then we decided to go to Marina's Grocery. I found some mochi and decided to buy some for Asher. We hella were walking around Marina's. Then we went to karate, and took some pics outside of Quizno's. I need to upload the pictures and the video Elizabeth took! Lol. Anyways, I went home after and started doing homework. Which was hella easy.
     Today, I gave Asher the Mochi. He was about to eat them, but it all melted! POO! I was like WHAT THE! Lol. I'll just buy him more tomorrow. Anyways, Darren, David, Alex, Vince, Donald and I went out to Chipotle's for lunch. Mother! I gotta stop spending money! I had to cut my lunch short because I had to leave for PCI.
     We just made Francese and Sourdough. Nothing really special. Sarah was supposed to audit my class but she got put into Chef Sam's class. BOO! Lol. Tomorrow, Serena and I are gonna come early to class so we can bake all of our friken puffed pastries! Lol. I'm ready for all the chocolate! Hehe.
     So after class, I got a text from Amanda. She wanted to hang out. I finished all my homework so I was definately up for it. We stopped by Crystal's apartment and woke her up. Then us 3 went to Valley Fair. We just walked around and wandered into stores. Amanda bought a cupcake on the way out and she thinks she bit into a penut so I was like, "OMG!" And took her to Long's. She's deathly allergic to peanuts of everykind. It was bad. She got some medication though, and we all headed off to Chili's for dinner. Yum! It was really nice. They were telling me stories of themselves. MAN! I swear! They're lives are 10 times more interesting than mines. We stayed there for a hecka long time. Lol. There was a cute waiter and they were gonna whole whistle him, but they didn't. Haha. Good times though. After dinner, we headed back to Crystal's place. I got to play with her snake. It likes me! Haha. I got to hold it too. It's a tiny boa, hella cute. Oh! Amanda has the most amazing voice ever! I was mesmerized! It seriously is hella good! Lol. Anyways, I was waiting for Crystal's roomie, Blake, to come home so I could meet him, but he never showed up and I left around 9:30.
     Now I'm here! I gotta do that stupid "Sometimes, Always, Never" question. Bleh. I seriously can't wait till tomorrow! Tomorrow's gonna be a good day, I can feel it. I really hope something comes up or else I'd be disappointed. The more I think of it now, I'll be disappointed, but probably not depressed or anything. If you're confused, you'll find out tomorrow, AND you'll find out about the GUY tomorrow. Maybe...
     I'm really annoyed right now. You know why? Because I feel like I've been betrayed. Even though this specific thing that has happened is probably the littlest thing in the world (and it probably is, not gonna lie) it jus t really bothers me and it affects everyone around me.
     You tell me to tell you when I'm going to go to karate so you can go to and I specifically told you to do the same. Right? But time after time, I've found out that you have been taking class without me. Why does this bother me? I don't know, but it does. Probably because I want to take class too, but I can never find the time to. Yes, maybe if you called me and let me know, I too would take class with you. But then, I caught you red-handed, taking class. It really bothers me because you never tell me. Do you always expect a "no" from me? Or even a "I'm too busy right now"? I especially hate the part where you took class when Kris Gandeza and Katherine was there. Kudos for not giving me a heads up. 
     Yes, this stupid issue is hella stupid and shouldn't be called an issue. But really, It bugs the shit out of me. You guys might be saying "Just take class without her" but really, it's not the same. There's a fine line between taking class with friends, and taking class with little kids. Since most of my friends from karate have basically gone off to college, there's not much to look forward to karate anymore. Except seeing Allan Dale of course. I feel like since I'm obligated to tell you, you're pretty much obligated to tell me. But ughh. You know what? Whatever, I'll just take class on my own time. I'll find people who's going so I'll take it with them instead..
     I hope I remember to put that friken Aloe Vera on. I hate the smell of sticky socks. It's still Monday isn't it? Fuuck... I'm sleepy (11:32 PM). I think I might have to go PRO with my photobucket account, it's not unlimited upload... Dang. I have hella pictures and more to come. $12 ish a year. Is it worth it? I'm gonna do it. I don't want to make a new account. Too much of a hassel... Bleh.
     Super long day, but totally fun. I failed my Trig test, but Jimmy got to meet Darren and stuff. Lol.
     I went to Jeff's house today and ate some bagel bites, then went to school. I visited Amanda, she was recently in the hospital so I wanted to check up on her status. It's good to hear that she's doing well. Jude and this other guy joined me in the elevator. We had a nice chat going on. Lol. We made whole grain bread and extra baguettes today. We made the extra baguettes into Epis, which is a design that looks like wheat stocks. It's pretty cool and hella easy to make. We did hella today in class, but it wasn't stressful. I also prepared some puffed pastries ready to be baked. Yesh! Tomorrow, I'm gonna prepare a croissant dough so Sarah can help me. I guess I'll give her the extra dough, or make extras for her to enjoy. After class, I had perfect timing. Right when I finished dressing, I opened the door and Jeff and Jude were leaving class. Jeff helped me carry all of my friken baguettes. LOL. What a sweetheart.
     So, I went home, dropped off some food, dropped food off at karate and Darren's, watched the Steelers VS Broncos game (GO STEELERS!), ordered Cheesesteak at the Cheesesteak shop (My name is now Melinda), and chilled at Alan's house (our first time being in his house!) It's a nice cozy house. Now I'm at home and I gotta seriously do trig. Bleh.
     All I did today as basically clean. The house isn't exactly spotless, but it's ten times better than how it was before. It's funny because my room is really messy right now and I'm too tired to clean it. I think I'm going to rewrite my recipes for PCI because I have way too many! I'm getting sleepy and I still need to attempt to do trig homework. Ugh, FML.
     Sorry, I didn't get to blog yesterday so I'll blog right now before I do more things. This is gonna be a super long blog by the way!
     Let's see... What did I do. OH! I woke up early to go to PCI for this Hobby class. Chef Alex was teaching a class on how to make Pate a Choux. So I went really early and helped set up everything and clean and stuff. I feel bad though because I didn't stay the whole time, meaning Serena had to clean all the dishes herself. I got there around 8:45 and I left around 11:20.
     After I left, I went to Darren's place because he was driving to Folsom. We had Monika, Jocelyn and Alan in the car too. The car ride was hella fun! We blasted the music and sang out loud. Ahh. I love these moments with the guys. Lol. Alan drank too much so we had to take a pit stop. We were hella late! Lol. I think it was about an 2 hour drive? Anyways, we made it just in time. Right before the band was going to warm up. So Darren parked with the band and we just chilled with Alex Tu and Ami. It was pretty fun. When the band was about to perform, we all went to the stands and hella cheered for them. I swear, I'm gonna lose my voice! Lol. I thought the band was really good! Good job you guys. I got a little teary on Maggie's solo. I'm so proud of her! Lol.
     After their performance, we just congradulated them, shared some hugs and chilled. We had a super early dinner; dinner roll, turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, and green beans. Yum yum! So yea, we just chilled, then after all the bands performed, we went into the bleachers for the awards ceremony. This was the one with the finals, if you make the top 10, you go back and perform again. Anyways, so Milpitas just barely made it (#10) and they were first up to compete. Their second performance was way better! Everything in general was better, I personally think you guys should've placed higher. It's alright though, we cheered for you guys like no tomorrow. It was hella cold in Folsom! I had death on my shoulders. It was a super long night though. Even though you guys got 10th, you guys did amazing and I'm proud.
     On the way back, it was just Darren, Alan and I. We had to take a completely different route (because of road work and traffic). We stopped at the gas station and ended up eating at In and Out. Hella hit the spot! I hecka fell asleep on the way home. It was so comfy in the back with all the room.
      When we got back to Milpitas, Darren drove to MHS, I stayed in the car because I was super comfy and warm. Lol. Then we went back to Darren's place and went home.
     This night was super fun! It might not seem like it, because I skipped hella parts. I don't have much time to blog RIGHT now, but I'll blog more later. I have to clean. It's my Dad's BIRTHDAY! Lol.
     Even though it's technically 12 right now, I'm gonna blog as if it were yesterday.
     Today has been such a busy day for me. All I gotta say about De Anza is, I met up with Asher before school and he gave me his hw to copy and stuff. Then as I'm sitting in French, he texts me saying that someone stole his book, so he basically made me feel like shit. I was like OMG I'm Hella SORRY! After Trig, Jimmy, Asher and I went to Asher's first class to check if his book was in there and Low-and-behold, it was. I was like, "ASSHOLE!" Lol. Funny. Jimmy and I went to Pho Wagon and had some pretty delicious Pad Thai. Yum yum. I hella showed you up at eating Jimmy! Lol, jk.
    After I dropped off Jimmy, I went to Jeff's place and chilled for a bit. It's pretty nice and relaxing. We just chilled and talked and stuff. Then he drove me to PCI. We made whole wheat bread and baguettes. It was a hella relaxing day today. The culinary class made hella food so it was like a buffet there. I chilled with Jeff and Jude for a bit. I hella stole Jude's food and started eating it. LOL! Sarah Le came in today too! It was nice seeing her. I think she's auditing a class next wednesday. Anyways! Hella chill day.
     After class, I waited till Jeff was done and then we headed out to his car. OMG! Jude, Jeff and I were in the elevator and Jude was talking to his gf (Strike 2) and he was hella rude to her and stuff (strike 3!) I was like, "Total turn off". Whatever, I told you I didn't like him Wilson! LOL. He's still hella cool though, just pretty disrespectful. Anyways, Jeff dropped me off at my car and I decided to then go to Bed Bath and Beyond.
     I seriously didn't want to go home so I was wandering around there. I swear! I was like texting and walking around and looking at random stuff. Yea, I'm hella random. In the end, I decided to go to the Cambrian party, but Jeff called telling me to chill with him so I went to his place again. It was hella nice. We just talked for hours! Then his gf came. She seems like an angry person! LOL. It was cool though. After Jeff's I met up with the guys at the mall.
     They wanted to watch a movie apparently. It was Alex, Hieu, Perry, Alan and Darren. We just hella messed around and played tag and stuff. Hella fun. We just decided to go back to my place and watch a movie. We ended up watching Marley & Me. Hella sad! I was trying not to cry but I think a single tear escaped from my eyes. Anyways, I'm hecka exhausted right now. I'm going to go to sleep then go to PCI in the morning to help out with a Hobby Class. Then, Folsom! Whoo whoo! Lol, I didn't even ask my parents yet and I'm just going... Terrible. I just hella forgot about it. Anyways, NIGHT.
     I feel a sense of emptiness when we don't talk anymore, whether it's a day or just a few minutes. Why do you have to be such a ladies man? You know just the right things to say and you know just the right things to do to make a girl smile or even go crazy. You're also very full of straight up kindness. I crave for every text message you send me (as weird as it may sound) because every text is always a happy one. You're such a positive and relaxed person that it makes me want to hang around you. Everybody needs that positive energy around them because it makes everybody a happier person. All I can say right now is Yellow Fever FTW! And, I hate you Wilson, I don't just admire him anymore.
    Anyways, I'm extremely exhausted right now. I find it funny on how Jimmy and I compete against each other to see who got the lowest score. (I know I did horribly). I give up on trig homework. No use in doing homework when my brain isn't functioning correctly. By the way. Almost 50 views yesterday. Ya ya! Haha. I'm such a loser. I wonder why you guys like reading my blogs. Probably because I constantly update them huh? I have no life. But I love to blog because I love to talk. I have a million things running through my head and if I don't get it out in time, I'll forget. The weekend is coming up! I'm so excited. Whoo! FOLSOM! Haha. Next week is Merced! Then Davis? Je ne sais pas. I think I'm driving up to Merced. Can't wait, I'm super excited! Alright, I'm hitting the hay now. Night loves!