Nothing really important happened yesterday.. Oh! Chef got really mad at Nancy because she left early. I felt like she was totally disrespectful because she left early for an "emergency" and she didn't even tell him. The class was still a bit messy too! Ughh..
     Anyways, this morning I carpooled with Darren and we had a heart to heart talk. It was nice. We established that we're that far into our friendship that if we have a problem with each other, we'll talk it out and we wont have hard feelings about it.
     At school, we worked on plating, then chocolate. Nancy kept complaining about how Chef went and talked to her before class. Oiy vey.. Anyways... After class, I went over to Carlos' and helped him with his Pate a Choux. Anthony was home too. We just made pate a choux, talked and just hung out.
     Carlos is hecka funny. While we were walking to my car with all my stuff, he was like, "Did you know that Anthony had a little crush on you? He was gonna ask you out and stuff but I told him that Blake liked you." I was like, "Whatt? I barely talked to him back then!" haha. There was more to it, but yea, that was pretty much it. Funny funny.
     Anyways, just watching Good Eats: Chocolate. Perfect! Lol. Sometimes I feel like I have perfect timing on a lot of things in life. Well... Bed tim efor me! I'm exhausted here. Night loves.

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