At PCI, Serena talked to me about typing up recipes for Lynn and putting them all together in a binder for her so she'll be more organized and stuff. I'm working on section 102 right now. FML!
     In class, we made chocolate Bombe, chocolate charlotte russe cake and baba. The chocolate mousse that we used is delicious! It's so rich and flavorful. "miyam miyam!"
     After class, Serena and I talked to Chef Stephany about the issue. She said that she knew it was going to happen and that we'll all go talk to Chef Alex about it. After that, Serena and I stayed after class and made croissants. I hope they turn out well! It was so peaceful after class, no wonder she likes it so much! I really look up to Serena, she's so knowledgable and wise. It was funny because she was like, "Something I think the things that Nancy say are funny" and I'm like, "What do you mean?" and she told me about today when Nancy was basically bragging about how everybody should know her in Redwood city because of her ex. I was like, "OMG! Forreals!" We talked about how we feel like she's a self-centered person. I can't believe she agreed with me! Lol! We are too much alike.
     This is how I fail at life. After making croissants, Amanda texted me asking me to play softball with her. When I got out I texted her and she didn't respond back so I was just about to head home until she responded. For some reason, I don't know why, I met her, her mom and her sister at Safeway and chilled with them till 8. I drove Amanda home while she was talking only about herself. It's so ironic because she was talking about how Kira never shuts up about herself and how she's so disgusted and how she doesn't care, yet she does the exact same thing... Whatever. So yea, I dropped her off and went straight home.
     After typing up the first recipe on Classic Puff Pastry and all the things you can do with it, I accidentally deleted it! FML! It took me over 2 hours to write it! So I had to speed type it. Ughh. I hate retyping!!! Anyways, I should go to bed now... I hope I don't fall asleep in class!

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