Wow.. Look what Daniel said...

          Daniel Nguyen: it's still hard for me to picture you angry
          Daniel Nguyen: my idea of you being angry right now would
                              be you singing at me
Haha, He is so wrong...

Jack's Mannequin

     My mom woke me up today around 8 AM to wait for the repair man to leave. I didn't even have to wake up, he left before she did. Wow. Anyways, I just downloaded music and stuff. Oh, I bought The Fray and Jack's Mannequin Concert tickets today! I'm gonna go with Kenny and Darren also!

The Fray
     At 10:30 AM I went to school, I had to drive back home to get Steven's jacket for him because he keeps telling me to give it back. So I finally did. I also went to school to give out Choco Chip Muffins. Yum. Jen and the guys seemed to really like it. So I hope it tastes really good. I wish it was fluffier. So I drove Wilson and Steven home today and ended up going home. I finished re burning Kenny's CD and decorating the CD and it's case and stuff. Hecka cute.
     Around 1 PM, I took a really long nap, I had nothing else to do. Then at 5 PM, I headed off to work. Work was easy and fun today. I gave some of my muffins to Allan Dale. Shelby went home sick today so Allan Dale let me hang with him just in case the phone rang. It only rang once surprisingly. It was a good day though, I only taught the adult class, Cosmo and Malcolm. We did sticks.
     I left work when black belt class started because I was going to go play Munchkin at his house but he didn't come home till late so I just chilled at Kenny's house. OMG he didn't pick up his phone so I was unsure of coming over. Jerk. So I went over to his house anyways and he was there! We went to his room, chatted a little, then made a list of things he needs for his dorm. I wish I could remodel his room but they might sell the house. So yea. Sad.
     Around 10 PM I picked up Hieu and headed off to Eugene's house. We met Perry and played Munchkin. Eugene's sister tried feeding us this spiked drink. She thought it was apple cider. LOL. It was 12% alcohol. Eugene and his sister seemed to really like it. So we played Munchkin till 11 PM then my mom called and we played Munchkin Warped Speed. I was winning but they all used their cards on me so then Perry ended up winning. Darn. It's alright though.
     Jen called me today, I guess I'm driving people to the campsite. Yay! Funness. I'll get gas money too! Anyways, I'm off now. I'm not sleepy but I'm gonna run a mile tomorrow morning. Fun.

          Hieu: but yeah my mind is too complex for simple humans
" Today, while exiting the bathroom, I tried to turn the lights off three time before I realized it was sunlight. MLIA "

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