I'm failing TRIG! That test was hella hard! I definately failed, forsure. I indirectly talked to that cute guy sitting next to me Wilson! Yay! Lol.
     I was too early for PCI... We made fruit tartlets today! I made HELLA! I stole some fruits and stuff, so when I got to karate, I made them right at the spot. Just some mini tartlets, whipped cream and a piece of fruit. Yum! Lol. Everyone loved them. i swear, I think I made a little over 100! Good thing I brought them to karate. I don't know what I would do with them all...
    After, Darren, Alex and Vince met up with me at karate RIGHT when I was about to leave. Then Brandon came, and Jared, and Ferly. LOL. Random much? Anyways, Us 4 walked over to Mountain Mike's for PIZZA TUESDAY! I hope it becomes a tradition! I love pizza! I saw Francie today! I miss her! Alan met up with us at Mountain Mike's. We ordered The Everest, size: Mountain. (Note to self: I owe Alan $3 ish). So we just chilled there and waited about 20 minutes until our pizza came. Then we immediately went straight to Alex's house to enjoy our dinner. Yum! I ate 5 slices. SHUT UP I'M NOT A FATTY! Lol. We were watching hella random stuff on TV. Anyways, arund 8:30, 9ish, We decided to go home. I got dropped off at karate by Alan and I took my brother home. I did a pit stop to Darren's first though. Lol.
     I'm hella tired! I'm about to crash right now, but my hair is wet. Maybe in a couple of minutes.. Bleh. Sleepy. I had a wierd dream that I had a blind date dinner with a white guy. Lol.
     "I don't know you. But I want to say hello to you. Ask you on a date or two." Josh Golden; Small Town, Big City. I still can't believe he's only 15... I really enjoy listening to his music.

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