Today was an unproductive day. EXCEPT at 3-4, I went to school to pick up Jen. I said hi to a bunch of the "sophomores" and we left towards  Fremont. When we got to her house, her mom wasn't there yet so we went to Panera Bread for lunch instead. Yum! Lunch date with Jen is awesome! Then we went to Yoswirl, parked the car and walked to Half Priced Books. I just bought 2 new notebooks for school. Yay! After, her mom was home so I went back to Jen's place and her Dad drove us to my Dad's shop while auntie took Rochelle's car. Afterwards, I got treated out at Yoswirl! Yay! Even though I was HELLA full already, I couldn't help but get the usual amount that I always do. IT'S A HABIT!! Bleh. Lol. Jeremy had to finish my froyo because I was too full. THANK YOU! When we got back to Jen's house, I decided to go home and catch some Z's before class. I slept for almost an hour until Frank called me. Wow. Good thing I didn't work or else I'd be yelling at him. But Frank is Frank. He always calls and texts me.
     Class wasn't that bad. Although I didn't want to come, I forced myself to anyways because Kim said she'd go. It's funny because at karate, she said she didn't want to go anymore. LMAO! It's alright though, we learned more grappling. I'm so scared of doing the armbar on Kim, ONLY because I think I'm gonna sit on her face! I'm also afraid to do that one arm lock thing because I don't want to break her elbow! She can't feel it for some reason so I don't want to keep going until it snaps. Bleh. All in all, class wasn't that bad. After class, we just chilled and talked and stuff. It was nice. WHY KIM, WHY DO YOU HAVE SCHOOL? Oh yea! I missed Melrose Place too! Danggit. I'll try to catch it on the internet then.

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